Untitled Database


In this project, linear regression is a method which can be implemented in software! This is why computer science is related to this lesson.

Discussion: What do you know about linear relationships? [5 minutes]

Discuss what your group knows about linear relationships! You can mention the equation of a line if that seems useful!

Equation of a Line | Ecuación de una línea

Where in each of the student’s life can they see relationships between two things where an increase in one thing leads to an increase or decrease in another thing? Begin with an example from your life! Some examples you can discuss include:

Exercise: Ideate about linear relationships in your life [10 minutes]

Next, have your students pick an example that is exciting to them. It could be about sports, cars, YouTube subscribers, or running! Have them decide on an $x$ and a $y$ that go along with that application.

For example, if YouTube subscribers is the chosen application, the $x$ could be time spent making YouTube videos, and the $y$ could be number of YouTube subscribers on someone’s channel!

If the topic of sports is chosen, the $x$ could be number of games a soccer player has has, and the $y$ could be number of goals scored!

If the topic of running is chosen, the $x$ could be number of steps taken, and the $y$ could number of miles run!

Once you have an example, have your students make a drawing of this relationship! Have them draw up a blank set of x and y axes, and then make guesses of how that relationship would look. Below, we have attached an example of what could be drawn for the YouTube example.


Discussion [10 minutes]